Legal Notice

Lumicorne Legal Notices

General informations :

Terms of use :

Access and use of the Lumicorne site are subject to acceptance of and compliance with these general conditions of use. These terms may be updated or modified at any time without notice. Users of the site are invited to consult them regularly.

Information on the Site:

The information provided on the Lumicorne site is for information purposes only. Despite regular updates, Lumicorne cannot guarantee the completeness or absolute accuracy of the information published. Therefore, Lumicorne declines all responsibility for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission concerning the information available on the site.

Intellectual property :

The content of the Lumicorne site, including texts, graphics, images, sounds and videos, is protected by intellectual property law and remains the exclusive property of Lumicorne, unless otherwise stated. Any reproduction, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or process used, is prohibited without the prior written authorization of Lumicorne.

Protection of personal data :

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of August 6, 2004 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, n° 2016-679), Lumicorne respects the privacy of users and is committed to the protection of personal data collected and processed when using the site. Lumicorne is responsible for the processing of this data and ensures their confidentiality and security.

Data Processing Manager:

  • Legal representative: Mr Grégoire PARANT

Lumicorne undertakes to collect only the necessary data and to clearly inform users about the use of their data. All precautions are taken to preserve data security, and no transfer of personal data is made without users' consent.

Changes to the Legal Notices:

Lumicorne reserves the right to modify the legal notices at any time. Users are encouraged to check this page regularly for changes and updates.

Contact :

For any questions or requests for information regarding the site or this legal notice, please contact Lumicorne at the following email address: .